Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Hi all

I just want to say how my week was last week. I met different people from different backgrounds from different ages and stages.Some were young, some were old and from different backgrounds.

For me it was interesting, because it was something new for me.Some people had their own business, while others were employed.It was the first time I did something like this.You meet new people from different backgrounds.That is how you meet new people. The most exciting person that I met was Ralph Kaiser, Ragmat Hendricks and Melissa Lewis. They were from different backgrounds and they were the most interesting people I met.

The other people had their own business, while others had  their own careers, others were unemployed,others were a bit more succesfull.I mostly interviewed ladies and for me their were very good, mostly from their career wise and being suceesfull in that line.

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