Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First attempt at Blogging

My first entry into the blogging world.
 How I feel right now is a bit confused but Iguess i'll get there.
What excitement I felt when I entered the Rlabs world to be introduced to Social Media Classes where i've learnt how to use most of the gmail tools. How amazing it is when you go into to your website not knowing how or rather why all those tools are available to all gmail uses.
What a great amount of info i've obtained and now can teach other uses to access that part of their world in using the tools available. Searching Images Maps Documents and Other tools.
Right now its my first ever opportunity to Blogg dd: 13 march 2012 how exciting.
Hope and pray that I have accomplished what was required of me as this is a new challange for me.
I personally come from the book world and therefore publishing is one of the worlds I should know.  Which I had somebody to edit my data but I guess i'm new so prayfully this will be acceptable.
Well today has been a great learning curve for me once again.
Great to have been blogging

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