Saturday, March 24, 2012

I've been Forever Changed!

To those off you'll who don't know me, my name is Shawn. I am 36yrs old and grew up in Cape Town, South Africa.
My childhood days are very dear to my Heart, as life then seemed very easy and straight forward.

I enjoyed my Childhood Days. Then came the teenage Years.
These are the years, that they say"Make or Brake" you. In my Case I experienced a bit of Both.
It was at this point in my life that I started experimenting and wanted to be part of the "In Crowd".
Little did I know, that this Would cause me to divert from one of the most important aspects of Growing up, which would be my Education.

I never fully realized how crucial these few years would be with regards to my future as well as my career.
One thing lead to another & it wasnt long before I left school without a Matric Qualification.
The next 10 yrs of my life could, probably be classed as the years of "Rebellion". I managed to work, however would never hold a job long, due to my habits and addictions that I developed.

Time was moving,however I cannot truly say that I was living life to the Fullest.
I eventually reached a point, where I hit rock Bottom. For the next few years to follow, my life would be about recovery and trying to get back on track.
I managed to kick certain habits, however would relapse continuously as I could not kick the habit on my own.

I then decided to include God in My life. I felt changed and new from within. As much as the outer world and it's attractions & distractions we're still there, i now developed this hunger to grow in my relationship with God.

I now began to see and view life differently. I realized that being sober was actually the "Coolest" thing and this would be the beginning of Restoration in my life.

In 2004 I started a job as a driver @ a Travel Company in Cape Town. I then Became permanent, and kept this job, until a door opened and God blessed me with the opportunity to Go and work in the United States of America.

Deep within my heart, I knew that this was a Miralce, as I could never had achieved this opportunity, whilst I was living in the World, with my Bad Habits & addictions.
However this was Gods way of showing me, that he is true to his Word, when I seek him with all my heart, he will make the crooked paths Straight & open doors that no man can shut.

I would work in the United States for the next 5years.
I returned home to Cape Town in Mar. 2011.
Life had changed for me, as I became accustom to a different way of life in the United States.
I was however extremely happy to be in my Home Country & to be with my Family again.
God is still @ work & I am now busy doing my Matric Qualification, via Rlabs, Cape Town.
I know to many This would not mean much, however to be a means a Great deal, as I know how far God has brought me, and his been faithfull and true to his Word.

I would like to conclude my Blog, to encourage someone out there. You can never go to Far from his Love, He will always be there to take us in, however we have to reach out & thats when the "Restoration Process" will begin.
Thank You for taking the Time to Read my Blog.
God Bless

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