Tuesday, March 13, 2012

the begining of a new journey and chapter in my ife

good evening to all the guys and girls..
the begining to the new journey in my life started when i made the first step and coming forward to register myself for the social media classes at Rlabs..i was very judgemental thinking i know it all but then i was in a big surprise i've really learnt alot.. who knew things would turn out like this'.. thinking to myself im first gonna see how things isand how its going to roll out decide whether its for me ill maybe come back.. now i just can't stay away.. im excited every tuesday's i even recon  to my friends hey guys its rlabs tonight, cant wait Im already feeling a 10 lol...the first day i felt so embrassed thinking to myself are these people really going to make stand up infront of a croud of apprxomitely 50 people and say who i am and how im feeling i was so embrassed never in a million years i would see myself doing that....here at rlabs they thought me how to be comfortable with myself and build confidence...íve really learnt alot from google applications to blogging and many more i even enlighten my family members by the way i can't stop thinking and speaking about class and what a effcet it has on me and my life in general...these things are just the start to a beautiful begining..
thank you 
melissa lewis


  1. You almost made me cry tonight .thanks for the update and blog :)

  2. I'm glad you took the step to come. I was also skeptical about the class and also thought that I am just going to check it out.
