Tuesday, August 30, 2011

thinking out of the box

thinking out of the box

thinking out of the box

i was a bit nervous,but came through with flying colours.Number 1;my brother put me on the spot and i just went through with it.learned that we can use different things for any kind of purpose not necessarilly for the things that we see it for.like the rubber band that we said we can use for support for the cars exhaust.

Thinking Outside The Box...

Learn the Art of Thinking Outside the Box...

There are 9 Ways to Think Out of the Box:
1. Think for yourself.
2. Question everything.
3. Everything is part of a solution to something.
4. Record your ideas, the faintest writing is stronger than the strongest memory.
5. Relax, it stimulates the mind & body.
6. Spend some quality time alone with your brain.
7. Get inspired by others around you.
8. Always be willing to try, take risks.
9. Be willing to make mistakes, but only once.
  • One learns by your mistakes, but don't make a habit by repeating the same. 
  • Be innovative. 
  • Be different. 
  • You are unique. 
Stay blessed!

    Thinking out of the box really makes me think what i am thinking about 'kind of really inspiring'.

    Thinking out of the Box

    So this evening we were encouraged to think out of the box. Never really thought that i was capable of doing that. We were given bags with goodies and had to find more than one way of using an item.eg. a peg.. we needed to find two other ways of using a peg other than using it to hang washing.Our group thought a peg can be used to seal packets also to keep notes together. Sounds simple but for me it was good as i was part of a great innovation and that is a boost for my confidence. Once again a great thumbs up for RLabs.

    Thinking out of the box

    Today was awesome i enjoyed thinking out the box. I had the boldness to speak in front of a crowd
    for the first time.It made me feel good about myself. Thank you for the Rlabs team.

    thinking out of the box

    the way to do live your life
    what i think of thinking out of the box it's a good way to help people looking at things and how to do it def rend
    it can also help you to do thinks that you are scad of making but your mistake can be the next big thing so do your thing and make that mistake cause a mistake only happens once


    I am at RLABS I enjoyed Rene's session ''thinking out of the box''
    She made me think that I need to be innovative and creative.
    I am actually thinking about how I can be more innovative about what I am currently busy with.Thanks so much Rene.

    Thinking outside the box

    The seminar that I attended was so exciting because I had fun using my ideas alongside with
    other people.This thoughts I always had but I was not sure about it.This gave me a chance to
    learn how an idea can never be a waste even a mistake can result into a good opportunity to
    make a success of something.We had a giggle at some peoples ideas but you never know what that idea can develop into.If I lay awake at night I always think of something but when I wake up I always forget so I learned to always write down you're idea.


    Thinking out of the box

    Good evening everybody I trust that you all are well. I would like to tell you guys about the class we had 9 ways.
    1. Box is your mind.
    2.Question every thing WHY.
    3 .Everything is part of a solution.
    4.Record your ideas.
    6.Spend some quality time alone with my brain.
    7.Get inspired by others.
    8.Always be willing to try.
    9.Be willing to make mistakes.

    Here are some ideas.
    A straw was used for an umbrella,a plant stand.
    A plaster, bookmaker, waxier and a name tag .
    A plastic bag, fire-lighter.

    Friday, August 26, 2011

    Some years ago.i accepted the Lord in my life when things was not wright for me..meaning..i accepted him for the wrong reasons. God was merely there to fix things in my life. Things still, years later didn't go my way, but guess what? God remained in my life as He has promised to never leave nor forsake me. Beginning of 2011 God became real to me. Real in the sense that i have come to know God in the true sense. I first needed to understand that God is not to be used and that i was wrong to want to use God. All of a sudden things started to change and life turned out to be beautiful. I wake up in the morning with Jesus on my mind and go to bed with Jesus as my last thought. God is introducing me to people who add meaning to my life, taking me to places iv'e never been to before. Aaaawh, he's just blessing me in soooo many ways. Serving God is real awesome.

    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    the class of 2011

    We are doing a course social and media. We are 15 students in a class. The course is very challenging and exciting. The facilitators are very patient and

    digital and new media

    im very passionate,and love the outdoors.i enjoy hanging out with friends,love drawing and panting.i loose myself while panting and puts in lots of effort in my work,im never satisfied in what i do but obtain to do my atmost,and it takes me higher and higher.

    class of 2011

    My first time i came here i was a bit nervous.As time went on i started feeling relaxed.I have learned alot from the class especially the lecturers.Even now im a bit nervous but feeling confident.I have never had any experience with any computer before. Since last week did blogging for the first time and now im ready go on.

    class of 2011 digital and new media

    it is nice to be at class again


    my favourite gospel artist my food cheese and macaroni my favourite colour different shades of pink my favourite person very favourite is paul dilgee


    golf4's set up's

    The Class of 2011

    The class is a mix breed of old and young who brings different experiences to the space we find ourselves in. Quiet taxing at times to keep up with the younger folks. The knowledge that our tutors are parting with in class are awesome. Tonight I would like to share with my classmates the following:
    There is a free tool on the Internet called www.Roboform.com. This piece of software enables one to capture 10 Passwords forever, while you may forget same. In other words you don't need to remember your Passwords again or anymore. The system will remember it on your behalf when you enter an email address or your Website URL. There is a paid version of Roboform with more benefits but for now the free version will be suffice for our needs. I suggest that our tutors should check it out and present it in plain non-techie jargon to the class on another occasion. Enjoy the freebie.

    My Day

    I had an extremely busy day.Did scholar patrol duty at 7h40 until 8hOO
    Did three assessments with my learners.Dropped Jesseca at ballet.
    Fetched Rudi at soccer.Finished supper.Rushed off to Labs

    class of 2011 digital and new media

    i find the class really interesting, i made new friends ,and looking forward to complete this wonderful course with rlabs. i really enjoy myself with this class.
    very good and nice to listen to

    The Prayer

    I enjoyed this song so much today.Be blessed everyone.

    My Catering Service to You

    I an a fully registered caterer by profession and hereby wish to invite you to see me for all your catering needs. I cater for all functions. May it be Weddings, Birthdays, Kiddies parties, Office parties/lunches. Boardroom meetings and Funerals. Also do i specialize in Flower Arranging. I do these arrangements to suit your needs. The Flower arranging varies from Birth of a baby to the funeral of a human.I do this not only because i am fully trained but because i am passionate about rendering a service. Please feel free to contact me at any time @0845579572

    This is to give you an idea as to what

    Class of 2011

    The class of 2011 is moving at a steady pace. I have to catch up soon for time lost otherwise I am going to lag behind.


    i think surfing is the coolest sport ever

    The Les twins

    I think they are the best

    best of hammon

    this artist sings

    digital and new media

    hi im kishwar when i started at RLabs i thought to myself why are they teaching me all about face book and sending emails damn i know these things but as classes went by i actually learned alot more than what i thought i knew i am really glad that i joined this class the lectures is very patient and understanding. I enjoy every moment at RLABS and i am looking forward to the end of the year for graduation.thanks to the wonderful people at RLABS.


    VR6 rocks who sad it's slow(die ding Rik Mal)
    who sad that a vr6 are slow do the right modifications and don't be scared to spend money on your car

    Living for him

    Class of 2011

    Good evening everybody I'm at RLABS now learning how to blog and how to add images.I rate this class 10 because its really fantastic learning something new.. Our facilitators are Kyle and Gary and some others too.

    It is totally confusing though but once you get the hang of it you will feel like a New Dork!LOL.Was nice to be in this class because we were blessed with new challenges.

    digital and new media

    hi im nikita theys i am very creative,and love doing art.my experience so far at rlabs is amazingly great,i enjoy every moment in the workplace,and love the people at rlabs,they helpful an understanding.and i know im going to learn more things as time goes past.so far,so good.



    my funny video

    i think this is a cool video it makes me laugh every time I see it

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    Info about myself

    I am a very creative person, i love doing arts and crafts.I spend most of my time sitting behind my machine , i also love to work with people.

    A day with Matthew

    Today was a hectic day for me, running and watching my grandson. He made me .so tired ,but I have to be honest ,I really enjoy myself with him.



    liverpool vs Chelsea

    my point of as a Liverpool fan they played very poorly.If only there defence had not failed the rest of the team.I'm so disappointed in the team right now ,if only they can get it altogether for the other games to come.