Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Social Media Providing Hope

My Name is Shawn & i am from Cape Town, South Africa.
I am a student @ the Rlabs academy enrolled in a Social Media Class.
When i signed up for the course, i was thinking this could help me to learn about e mail, facebook etc,
Well i am pleasantly surprised that its opened up my mind to a whole new world which i have access to online, via Google and  all its supporting tools.
What i enjoy about Rlabs is that they are providing Hope to people who are willing to learn.
This in my situation is vital for someone who came from a background of Addiction.
I have been totally Clean & Sober for the last 5yrs, by The Grace Of God.
What i Love about Blogging is that i get to Share my Story with the World.
I want the World to know, that there is Hope, no matter what youve been through or what Lifes thrown at you.
There is Hope, the Fact that you are reading this, shows that God Loves you, his allowed me to overcome and share of my Story, so that someone else who needs it, can find that hope just to push on a little bit longer, until things get better.
Thank You for taking the time to Read My Blog.
God Bless

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