Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Another interesting person

Last week I got to know Leticia, a social media student at RLABS. In our brief conversation, I learnt that she lives in Bridgetown and has a daughter. She also loves hiking and gathers recipes.

What grabbed my attention was the fact that she does catering for the University of Cape Town! Catering...makes me think of food...when I think of food I think of colours, tastes and beautiful aromas that captivate our taste buds. I love working with food and when I meet other people who work with food, I am actually meeting my passion. So yes, Leticia and I have got to extend our conversation. First us humans were blessed with Manna but I'm talking about yonks ago...as related in the Holy Books. There was no need to prepare any foods and no need to cook (I can just picture the smiles on some of your faces...yes ... the ones who hate to cook!). Then God blessed us with wonderful varieties of fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat, poultry, fish, lentils. Now there is such an endless variety that we struggle to make choices these days. Some foods are affordable and some are extremely expensive but we cannot do without this basic need.

People who enjoy working with food have this passion because they are creative and emotional beings and use food to express their creativity and emotions.  Think about it. It makes sense.  Just like the palette and work of an artist, the textures, aromas and colours of foods appeal to all our senses. Why hasn't anyone thought of a food exhibition but the difference must be that the viewers should partake by eating the artistic food creations and rate them based on creativity, preparation time, flavours, use of colour.  There should be more movies featuring famous chefs such as Julia Child and what about all the exquisite modern day chefs like Nigella? This would certainly inspire more people to become aspiring Chefs.