Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rlabs Helping me to Get Back My Education

To those of you who are taking the time to read this, Thank You.
My Name is Shawn, i am 36yrs old.I grew up in Cape Town,South Africa.
Growing up in the Cape Flats was a unique experience, as we are Priveladged to live in a Beautiful City with Spectacular sceneries & beaches enjoyed by thousands of locals and foreign tourists each year.
I went to school in Cape Town and when my High School years came around, i was interested in everything but school.
By the time i reached std.7 i was expelled from my high school due to lack of interest as well as not showing posative reports with regards to my marks. By this time, i had already begun experimenting with marujana and enjoyed the feeling it was providing.
As the years were to follow my desire to learn became less and my addiction to drugs grew stronger.
It was not long there after that i begun using harder chemical drugs and was intrigued by the Gang Culture in the Cape Flats.
This would be the beginning of a downward stream in my life.My substance abuse carried on for many years and i found myself in a place where i did not enjoy being.
I had hurt my Family, lost all my friends and had waisted my schooling years, and therefore had no qualification what so ever.
I needed to do something about this. I grew up in a christian home and always remember my Mom who prayed and taught us the truth.
Deep down in my Heart, i knew i was living a life that had no purpose, except for short term highs, which eventually doesnt even last.
I  then began going back to the Basics, and included God in my Life.
I have Been Totally Clean for the Last 5 Years.

I could not have made a better choice, life since has not been a bed of Roses, however God is Restoring things that i lost in my Life and teaching me the true value of life.
Over the last 5 Years i have had the oppurtunity to Travel overseas and work in The United States as well.
In conclusion to my Blog, 2013 has been a tremendous Highlight for me, as its a year that i have gone back to School, with the assistance of RLABS i am currently in the process of getting my Matric Qualification.
I would like to Say Thank You to God as well as RLABS and all its staff,Youll have made my Journey to get my Education   very Pleasant and Inspiring.
Knowledge is Power
Lets Get it.
Best Regards

1 comment:

  1. You have come a long way and i hope u continue with your journey
