Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Only one of the problems we face daily in our community are...Gangsterism

That is something that started way before my time,it grew so big so fast,kids are into it now.
Going from jail cells to our streets,because we come from a poor community where life is tough and parents don't always play apart of their kids lives for they have to work to survive,they turn to being apart of a gang,they see the people in the gang as their family,where the get love,and attention and things they could only dream of...so they steal and rob people they take drugs to forget what they do or what they have done to the people whom really love them.

My suggested solution would be from the community to take a little pride in their kids and take time out to teach them about whats good and whats bad and the right and whats wrong and to make the right choices in life.


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