Tuesday, April 10, 2012

 Identity Crisis 

I personally think that one of the major problems in our community is that people have an identity crisis,especially our youth and the younger ones growing up.Its seems that people that live in Townships just automatically have a lower opinion about themselves and are less motivated to grow as a person,they are probably to busy making ends meet.Households have parents that is no role models to there children.Fathers are supposed to be leaders.They should lead the family by example,should be providing and taking care of them,but instead they are either not working,or working too much and not spending time with kids,or if not that,they are beating up the mother using money for alchohol or drugs,or in other cases,they are just too weak to make any decisions and let the woman do all the talking,wear the pants in other words,while they are happy to just wear the boxers.Mothers on the other hand,are supposed to nuture and protect her children,be respectable towards there husbands,and teach childern what is right or wrong,being a parent is not an easy job,I may not be a parent,but I can just imagine having such a huge responsilbilty,should not be taken lightly. Children learn from there parents.Parents shape children into what they need to become, if the above mentioned is the image that the children see,then how do they know what they are supposed to be ? Children in our communities are growing up thinking its okay to be a guy and not too work,they are probably thinking " Hey my dad is at home,so why should I care " or in other cases girls think its okay to be beaten,cause her mom got a beating almost every night.That is why we have so many confused drug or alchohol addicted teenagers that are suicidel and dont know what there idendtity is,because they dont know any better.Children watch how parents treat each other and also the words parents tell there children stick with them,so if you keep on telling your child he or she is hopeless,they will believe you cause as tough as it is to hear and as cruel as it is,you are the parent and they trust you,so if you say they are useless,that is what they will believe.

As a solution I definatly think that God our Almighty Saviour can restore the order in our Families,which is the core of the problems in our community,I think the churches should be more relevant in the communities,have more outreach programmes,and not just preaching the gospel,but educating parents on how to raise kids the Godly way,the Word of God does say that people are perishing because of a lack of knowledge.The church should make people understand what the order of God is in the Family.I personally think that if that order is in place,we will have much more happier healthier Families in our communities.People should know what there place is in the household.If the church get involved it will be good outreach as well because sometimes there are deep rooted issues in the family that will continue to destroy the family if nothing will be done about it.The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword and is able to break any generational curse or any form of bondage so that the order of God can be restored in the households.So basically that is my solution to this problem,get the churces more involved in the communities..


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