Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Everyday i go to work greet the neighbour that's standing by the gate,I see how people drive past to work kids walking to school stray dogs searching for food a nosy neighbour chit chatting to just about anyone that comes pass and that's ready to lend an ear the same routine just about everyday ,i am sure it is just about the same for all of us, The occasional shouting and screaming coming out of a certain house and i wonder what is going on and like we all are a bit curious to what is happening when we hear things in our community, and i am sure in every corner of our community and not just our community but,the world we face a problem that is huge in and amongst our teens it can be your child my child that has fallen in to this world of drugs ,never for me to think or say it will never happen to me ,and how we as a community can turn a blind eye to what is happening to our kids ,where we could have prevented it from happening in the first place many of these kids parents have jobs and our kids tend to wonder and have a lot of freedom to be roaming the streets that is where it all starts when they have nothing constructive to do when coming home from school they board and want to explore so why not try the occational drugs not expecting to get hooked so easily ,our neighbours all watching and standing by for my child to mess up and what a leker skinner story for them to feed on ,and we as parents are in the dark
                                               WHAT A COMMUNITY WE LIVE IN!!!!!!!

so what to do? start a community support group where we can discuss what our kids are up to with the community that is around during the day, in keeping an eye on our kids ,get the sports clubs and school involve to find out what activities they offer and get that nosy aunty also involve so that our kids know we have people watching and caring about them because your child is my child and it could happen to you child too.

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