Tuesday, April 10, 2012

my community

Hello All
I trust that you guyz had a great Easterweekend!
But on a more pressing note I would liked to share with u a problem that we have in our community.We have such a high rate of unemployment in our area an because of that reason lots of other things go wrong an the highest rate of unemployment is amongst the youth of our community.For whut i have seen is that our young people have no rolemodels an there is no one to lead by exsample.
It is sad to see how young people who's got such grate potential can throw their lives away.To think these are the same young people who is the future of our country.

I think the solution is very simple.We as the stable people in the community should start being rolemodels to those young people,call them in to sit on the  stoep or in your garden an just ask them how r u.
Whut would they have liked to do with their lives or wut there dreams are.
I think that we will be surprised wut a little bit of intrist can do in that one persons life.It is no use pointing fingers or looking the other way.A simple how are you doing is the perfect place to start to finding a solution.

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