Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cleaning up the litter

Every single day I come across loads and loads of litter and it really is a shame to see that the land we live in, is not being respected. Why is it that we can spend hours and hours in front of the mirror beautifying ourselves and lots of time soaking in the bath to clean ourselves but we're not doing the same for our environment. This not only appalls me, it angers me and I envy those who live in litter-free areas. Such bliss, such a pleasure for the eyes and such pride in the land is displayed by those who care and keep their environments and surroundings clean. The disregard for a clean land in our community is downright disgusting and this must change.

Let us all pitch in and do a major clean up.  Lets start this clean-land exercise today! Firstly, each area should elect a clean-up Manager who will find volunteers to form street teams to clean up their streets.  It should become the Manager's duty to source donations to purchase the cleaning tools. Meetings can be held on a monthly basis to share experiences, solve persistent problems and contribute new ideas. We should not only rely on the Municipalities. In fact, once the clean-up teams are organised and have completed their clean-up tasks, they should be rewarded in the form of incentives such as badges and prizes and this would spur on the youth of today to pitch in and not be bored, especially during their school holidays.

After the major clean-up exercise, Managers should motivate the community to maintain their clean environment, perhaps in the way of sponsors, such as local supermarkets, to award special clean-up  maintenance teams with vouchers or sponsor tickets for sports games, movies and/or courses. Maintenance teams can approach schools and hold workshops or plays around littering and keeping the environment clean.

If this type of project takes off and is a success who needs to complain and moan about the Municipalities. Lets be our own Municipalities!  

Please can we have some volunteers for the clean-up project Managers?

In conclusion, the fastest method we could employ to get this project going would be to have the best scientist design clean-up robots but that would be Utopia and a tad expensive. Unfortunately, we do not live in Utopia so lets get real and come up with more or alternative solutions. 

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