Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A concerned citizen of the community!

In my community there are many young children, who does not get enough attention love and respect they deserve from their parents, friends and other family members.

It is sad to watch them grow up and see what they are going through, their are many less fortunate and are mindful of those. Some of them gets abused or drops out of school or does not get the opportunity of enjoying their life as a child like others do. If only the people in their lives could just to sit down listen to them and talk to them for a while and spend time with them.

As a citizen of the community, I would like to give back to the kids help them in whichever way I can: raise funds and hosting fun days get donations and give to the ones that are less fortunate.Hopefully that will lighten up their lives so that they to will have a brighter future.

Every child deserves to be happy, to be seeing and not hurt :)!

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